As Yoda once noted, "There is another." And so it is with my bloggy existence--truth be told, I have another cyber-family across town . . .
CultureHack has been in mothballs almost from the day I established this little NoteTaker-based beachhead. Recently, however, I've applied the paddles to CultureHack and it seems to be breathing on its own again. Check out the "Honey, I'm Home" post over there for more details.
The point's this: I'm feeling pretty spunky over at my first blog--in the past few days, I've let a few rants fly that pretty much accomplish the same thing as Jack Palance doing warm-ups for his One-Arm Pushup Thing--and I'm extending a cordial, self-serving invitation to check-out what I'm up to. I've similarly sent the very patient CultureHack readers to pay a visit or two over here.
As for Exploring AquaMinds NoteTaker, have no fear--it'll still be around. The only thing that's changed is when I want to let loose with with an essay that has nothing to do with NT, I'll have someplace inherently designed to accept my highly developed brand of stream-of-consciousness. This seems like an eminently sane arrangement because in the course of a typical day, I have many more opinions about Life, The Universe and Everything then I do about tech tips and workarounds. And rather than begin to dilute the focus of this site--yes, the terrifying thing is that this site does have a focus (of sorts)--it's more orderly to say the really outlandish, hair-curling stuff over at that blog.
Plus, I gotta admit that Uma still hasn't contacted me, so I can only assume--however horrifying the thought may be--that She Who Must Be Desired is interested in things other than NoteTaker. Given this revelation, giving myself some more topical elbow room seemed a sound strategy in my ongoing campaign for Uma's heart . . .
See you soon--either here or there.
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Pssst--Hey buddy, can I share something with you?
Pssst--Hey buddy, can I share something with you?
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Pssst--Hey buddy, can I share something with you?
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